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Jalan Brig Jend. Hasan Basri, Komp. Pondok Metro Indah No.38, Banjarmasin

About Us

Our strategic location makes this Kost much sought after by Students and Workers, Kayutangi location, Kalimantan Selatan. The iKOST has a minimalist design with various complete facilities inside, and we have two different types of rooms, namely Standard Room and VIP Room. The facilities in each room are equipped with a Single-Bed (for Standard), Double-Bed (for VIP), Water-Heater (for VIP), Air-Conditioner, Television, Wardrobe, Toilet In Room, Public Kitchen and others facilites will upgraded. Also we have iKOST Canteen (Seblak Bunda by iKOST), as a form of additional facility that offers Food and Drinks at low prices, you can find us on your Maps.


Service and Amenities

Service and Amenities Our Kost :


In All Tenant Rooms and Public Area.

Parking Area

Large Parking for Motorbikes and Cars.

Public Kitchen

Complete with Freezer and Other Facilities.


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Kos paling nyaman di Kayutangi, dan yang tidak kalah penting tidak ada jam malam karena kos ini mementingkan juga bagi penghuni yang bekerjanya di malam hari mantul.
Raihan Allam - Guest
Indekost sekitar Banjarmasin Utara, tepatnya di Komplek Pondok Metro Indah, dekat dengan RS. Anshari Saleh, Alfamart dan Indomart, parkir luas dan harga bersahabat.
Ragman Fachrie - Guest
Kasurnya cukup satu orang tapi tetap nyaman, lingkungannya tenang dan parkiran luas. Dan yang lebih keren punya Kantin sebelah kos, jadi tidak jauh beli makan dan minum.
Ayu Triyasinta - Guest